Schedule Items needs to track more metadata
drnlm opened this issue · 5 comments
For integration with the video tools, we need to be able to track which items will / are being recorded.
We may actual want to have a few fields here:
which starts looking more like a list of tags than just an extra field, so we need to think about the exact requirements here a bit.
In DebConf's experience, venues need to have a video flag. Then being videoed becomes the default for a talks in a venue. Possibly the flag should be on slots, not venues. We've had conferences in the past where we moved equipment between rooms during the conference.
Of course, this doesn't guarantee that events will be recorded. You need volunteers to make video happen. So some sort of "request video", "granted video" workflow.
Based on the recent online portions from PyConZA, it would also be useful to be able to add indicators like "don't have the bot announce this"
Although maybe the scheduleitem is the wrong level because they can often be deleted when the schedule is updated - perhaps we need to attach the metadata to the schedulable items?
Although maybe the scheduleitem is the wrong level because they can often be deleted when the schedule is updated - perhaps we need to attach the metadata to the schedulable items?
I think @rhonda would probably appreciate that too
There are a few existing django lbraries for adding arbitary tags which can probably solve most of this - django-taggit seems to be the most actively maintained of those I've looked at, but I haven't done a complete trawl yet,