
Talks can't cross midnight

Closed this issue · 3 comments

The data model for wafer schedule slots is:

  • Day that have a date
  • Venue (many:many with Days)
  • Slot (many:1 with Venue) has only a time, not a date
  • ScheduleItem (many:1 with Slot + Venue)

Because slots are tied to a specific date, a talk can't cross midnight.

The solution here is probably to give Days a start and end datetime, and allow the end to be on a different date. Slots would use datetimes too, and be validated to fit within a Day. It may make sense to rename Day to ScheduleBlock or something.

olasd commented

As long as Slots start using datetimes instead of having to join them to a Day to get one, I'll be happy, I guess. It'll at least reduce the number of silly hax in the volunteer app, as well as in the "schedule in your timezone" stuff that was implemented during DebConf.

Hrm, can this be closed now?

drnlm commented

Closing since, with #456, it's possible to have talks cross midnight.

Further enhancements and fixes should be new issues.