Should log deletions through the Rest API
drnlm opened this issue · 2 comments
We allow deletion via the REST APi - we should maybe change that to also just withdraw the talk (although the semantics are a bit awkward with the DELETE method), but,if we don't, we should log the action somewhere.
We use reversion to log other changes to the object via the API, but that doesn't handle deletions particularly nicely - maybe we should log it directly to the admin log?
Alternatively, adding something like drf-api-logger so we keep track of all API usage may be the way to go?
I would be happy removing the DELETE method and perhaps adding a withdraw endpoint or easy support for updating the status of the talk.
drf-api-logger sounds quite cool too though. Is it something Wafer sites could enable purely in config if we did things nicely in the core?
I haven't had a chance to play with drf-api-logger yet, but in theory it should be simple to enable with little to no changes to wafer.