A full-replica MATLAB/Simulink dynamic model of the adapted IEEE 39-bus power system, including dynamic models of 10 synchrnonous generations, 4 type-3 wind farms, 19 dynamic loads and M-class CS-TFM estimators. All the required files are included in model.zip
- 4 type-3 wind farms are added to bus 2, 8, 11, and 21.
- The EPRI LOADSYN model has been adopted as dynamic load model
- M-class cs-TFM PMUs are installed on each load bus for local under frequency load shedding (UFLS)
Files in model.zip
The main MATLAB/Simulink model.
The IEEE 39-bus does not specify any line lengths; therefore, we choose them to obtain a propagation speed just below the speed of light.
The realistic load profiles are active and reactive components inferred by time series data, adapted from a monitoring system based on Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) installed in the 125-kV grid of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. The resolution of the time series is 20 milliseconds and the profiles are voltage and frequency independent.
The wind power profiles for the 4 wind farms are at 1 second resolution and obtained by resampling the measurements at 1 minute resolution from ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).
This file is used to initialize parameters for the M-class cs-TFM PMU models implemented on the loads.
This file provides a guide of initialization for dynamic simulations.
We use the Opal-RT real-time digital simulator OP5600, coupled with the eMEGAsim PowerGrid running on the RT-LAB real-time simulation platform. For installation, user guide and more information of the real-time simulator go here.
The following software is required to run the model:
- MATLAB Version 8.5.1 (R2015aSP1)
- Simulink Version 8.5.1 (R2015aSP1)
- ARTEMIS Blockset Version (R2015a)
- RT-LAB Version v11.2.2.108 (R2015a.x), available here
For a more detailed description of this full-replica IEEE 39-bus system model, refer to the following references:
- Y. Zuo, G. Frigo, A. Derviškadić and M. Paolone, "Impact of Synchrophasor Estimation Algorithms in ROCOF-based Under-Frequency Load-Shedding," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Available here
- Yihui Zuo, Fabrizio Sossan, Mokhtar Bozorg, Mario Paolone, “Dispatch and Primary Frequency Control with Electrochemical Storage: a System-wise Verification,” IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2018. Available here.
- Asja Derviškadić, Yihui Zuo, Guglielmo Frigo, Mario Paolone, “Under Frequency Load Shedding based on PMU Estimates of Frequency and ROCOF,”IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2018. Available here.
- G. Frigo, A. Derviškadić, Y. Zuo and M. Paolone, "PMU-Based ROCOF Measurements: Uncertainty Limits and Metrological Significance in Power System Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Available here.