
4 wind farms are added to the original IEEE-39-bus power system


A full-replica MATLAB/Simulink dynamic model of the adapted IEEE 39-bus power system, including dynamic models of 10 synchrnonous generations, 4 type-3 wind farms, 19 dynamic loads and M-class CS-TFM estimators. All the required files are included in model.zip

New features

  • 4 type-3 wind farms are added to bus 2, 8, 11, and 21.
  • The EPRI LOADSYN model has been adopted as dynamic load model
  • M-class cs-TFM PMUs are installed on each load bus for local under frequency load shedding (UFLS)

Files in model.zip

Simulation Model

The main MATLAB/Simulink model.

Initialization Files

Transmission line parameters

The IEEE 39-bus does not specify any line lengths; therefore, we choose them to obtain a propagation speed just below the speed of light.

Loads profiles

The realistic load profiles are active and reactive components inferred by time series data, adapted from a monitoring system based on Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs) installed in the 125-kV grid of the city of Lausanne, Switzerland. The resolution of the time series is 20 milliseconds and the profiles are voltage and frequency independent.

Wind power profiles

The wind power profiles for the 4 wind farms are at 1 second resolution and obtained by resampling the measurements at 1 minute resolution from ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas).

Initialization files for M-class cs-TFM PMUs

This file is used to initialize parameters for the M-class cs-TFM PMU models implemented on the loads.

This file provides a guide of initialization for dynamic simulations.

Real-time simulator

We use the Opal-RT real-time digital simulator OP5600, coupled with the eMEGAsim PowerGrid running on the RT-LAB real-time simulation platform. For installation, user guide and more information of the real-time simulator go here.


The following software is required to run the model:

  • MATLAB Version 8.5.1 (R2015aSP1)
  • Simulink Version 8.5.1 (R2015aSP1)
  • ARTEMIS Blockset Version (R2015a)
  • RT-LAB Version v11.2.2.108 (R2015a.x), available here


For a more detailed description of this full-replica IEEE 39-bus system model, refer to the following references:

  • Y. Zuo, G. Frigo, A. Derviškadić and M. Paolone, "Impact of Synchrophasor Estimation Algorithms in ROCOF-based Under-Frequency Load-Shedding," in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. Available here
  • Yihui Zuo, Fabrizio Sossan, Mokhtar Bozorg, Mario Paolone, “Dispatch and Primary Frequency Control with Electrochemical Storage: a System-wise Verification,” IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2018. Available here.
  • Asja Derviškadić, Yihui Zuo, Guglielmo Frigo, Mario Paolone, “Under Frequency Load Shedding based on PMU Estimates of Frequency and ROCOF,”IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2018. Available here.
  • G. Frigo, A. Derviškadić, Y. Zuo and M. Paolone, "PMU-Based ROCOF Measurements: Uncertainty Limits and Metrological Significance in Power System Applications," in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. Available here.