consistently use uint32 instead of int64 for onehot and maybehot matrices
racinmat opened this issue · 2 comments
racinmat commented
after the change benchmark it, it should be significantly faster
racinmat commented
Benchmark difference between using onehotbatch
and explicit constructor. If speed difference would be negligible, use batch variant.
racinmat commented
is too slow, see
julia> @btime((Flux.OneHotMatrix(collect(1:100), 1_000); nothing))
314.530 ns (3 allocations: 928 bytes)
julia> @btime((Flux.OneHotMatrix(collect(UInt32, 1:100), 1_000); nothing))
301.594 ns (3 allocations: 528 bytes)
julia> @btime((Flux.onehotbatch(1:100, 1:1_000); nothing))
155.399 μs (906 allocations: 41.70 KiB)