
Externally PGP encrypted Mails are not decrypted in App

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Your environment

App Version 1.5.1 from F-Droid, Samsung Galaxy S20 with Android 11

Steps to reproduce

  1. Download public CTemplar Key or send it to future sender
  2. Encrypt mail to CTemplar Account with given Public Key (in my case Protonmail)
  3. (2b) Weird thing happens in Protonmail: Sending fails in app, but works fine via Web. Seems to be a Problem on PMs side with CTemplar Keys. Others work both in app and via web. Will probably open an issue there, too.)
  4. View Mail in CTemplar App

Expected behavior

Mail should be decrypted and be readable

Actual behavior

Encrypted Mail content is shown, starting with -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE----- Version: ProtonMail

When I Login via browser the same mail is being decrypted and shown fine.

I have this issue too, the emails are decrypted, but the contents are being display as plaintext, and there is code displayed inside the email which looks like html code to me, those code should be displayed as certain format/templates instead of plaintext. And the PGP Signature shouldn't be displayed there as plain text as well.

We are going to review this shortly.

Merged with CTemplar/webclient#1206
Currently, the issue is 19th on the development queue.