
Freeze/crash with embeded images

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Your environment

Latest CTemplar application version.
Android 12 without Play Services.

Steps to reproduce

There is a bug with embeded images when there is no 'message field' text, only the images. By 'embeded' images I mean images who are showed directly in the message field, not those showed as attachments (this is for example the default when sending picture from the Apple Mail application).

I believe toggling off 'block external images' triggered the issue, but now even if toggled on the issue remains.

When opening the email conversation, it opens an empty page :

It is impossible to go back from there, only a restart of the application works.

Worst, if the incriminated email is in the 'draft' box, the CTemplar application simply crash. I discovered that behaviour when trying to forward that type of email from the web-application to my mailbox again (to confirm that this was effectively the issue), and it just failed to send it, thus staying in the draft box.

The web-application also appears to have issues with such cases : when configured as 'block external images' it still shows them, but also shows 'images blocked : click to load' which is contradictory. When images are not embeded but are simply attached, it loads indefinitely the email if there is an empty message field.

The condition 'no text in message field' seems important here to trigger all of these issues.

There's no settings to export logs from the application, if you need them please indicate me which output of the adb command you need. I briefly enabled 'report bugs' when triggering the issue manually, but got no way to know if the crash was effectively reported.

Expected behavior

No crash in draft.
No empty pages when clicking on the email from the main page.
No infinite loading in the webmail.
Either no display of the images or no display of the 'images have been blocked' in the webmail, but not both.

Actual behavior

All of the above.

@BayLee4 Can you please send such a email with the issue to my email alexd2018@ctemplar.com ?

@The-Hidden-Hand According to the described behavior, seems that the email image format is not accepted as usual embedded image even on the Web Client.
What do you think?