
Media gallery + Drupal + Firefox bug

alisonjo315 opened this issue · 0 comments

First gallery slide doesn't render properly, in "viewer with thumbnails" gallery style.

March 2023 update: Bug happens in Chrome and Firefox, every time you load the page. When you click through the gallery, the videos get loaded.

Note from Tone:

This problem is Drupal-specific (it doesn't occur in the CSS Framework). So it may need to be addressed in cwd_base or some other aspect of how it's generated by Drupal. But depending on what the actual issue is, it's still possible it would be fixed by making a change to the front-end JavaScript from the Framework.

More conversation in original issue thread:

Outdated notes --

NOTE: Bug only happens under very specific circumstances.

  • Only in Firefox (Windows and Mac).
  • Only on first page load -- it's "fixed" when you refresh the page.