
Primary LanguagePython


This is my Master Thesis project. The goal is to approximate a given painting by using one of three optimization algorithms. The three algorithms are:

  • Stochastic Hillclimber
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Plant propagation algorithm


Use pip3 to install the necessary python3 packages, such as:

pip3 install opencv-python


All three algorithms have the same usage commands:

python3 algorithm.py filename

The script expects a file from the imgs directory.


To run the Hillclimber algorithm for the Mona Lisa use:

python3 HC.py mona.png

To run the Simulated annealing algorithm for the Starry night use:

python3 SA.py starrynight.png

To run the plant propagation algorithm for the painting of Salvador DalĂ­ use:

python3 PPA.py dali.png

All results are stored in output_dir per painting.