
how does CapFrameX detects games?

hedihadi opened this issue · 2 comments

i don't have CPP or C# knowledge so i can't really check that from the source code, how does this program detects the running processes? how it can differentiate between a game process and a normal process? thank you

Like OCAT or Frameview, we're using PresentMon to detect and capture processes.

How does PresentMon differentiate between a game and a normal process? That would be a question for the PresentMon team.
I believe they don't really do that(at least with their console application) and just have some sort of basic filter on if a process is using the GPU in any form but as I said, better ask them directly.

As for filtering within our own software, we just have a blacklist of processes that still can get detected by PresentMon and are not games, the list that you see on the capture page.
The new PresentMon Beta app from Intel also has such a blacklist.

@Taxxor90 ah my bad, i thought Presentmon mandatorily asks you for a process name, but if i don't write any process name, it will automatically finds any running games, that's great to know!