
need to move some process in process list to ignore list

malay190 opened this issue · 1 comments

working some gaming automation project by using capframex tool
I need to move some process to ignore list
List of process: notepad , XboxGameBarWidgets
I need a command line or file change solution not doing manually click ignore button
referred #265 issue but it couldn't resolve.
can you please help guide me solution

I gave you the file change solution in the last iussue

"Name": "XXXXXX",
"DisplayName": null,
"IsBlacklisted": true,
"LastCaptureTime": null

After a change to the file, you of course need to restart the app.

The used processes.json is located either in documents if you're using the official beta version or in AppData/Roaming if you're using one of the latest builds,