
exec /app/ no such file or directory

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hey Team!!

I am trying to utilize this project and am struggling with implementing the docker version of this tool in my lab. I am unsure what I am doing wrong here, but clearly docker cannot see where I have pulled the code base to. I have listed below what I believe is relevant. Please ask if you need any more info!

As an aside, I love this tool. Great work is being done here!!!

Steps to reproduce:

  • Fresh Ubuntu LTS VM built and configured for docker containers
  • git clone
  • cd Qu1cksc0pe
  • sudo docker build -t qu1cksc0pe .
  • sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data qu1cksc0pe:latest --file /data/requirements.txt --docs

Error Log:

~/Qu1cksc0pe$ sudo docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data qu1cksc0pe:latest --file /data/requirements.txt --docs
exec /app/ no such file or directory

The analysis on the code base's own requirement.txt may not work, but I am unable to even get to the point where the container would throw that error. It will not even run to begin with. I have made it function with only the python install, but my lab would benefit from this being something that I could containerize. Thanks for your help in advance!!!

Looks like this is an issue with the ENTRYPOINT in the Dockefile. The 'executable' portion of the ENTRYPOINT should be python3 with the 'parameter' portion being the /app/

So if we can change this line to ENTRYPOINT ["python3", "/app/"] my issue would be resolved!

I don't have perms to make a PR or else I would've made the changes myself.

Hello @cayubweeums !

Thank you for your nice comments and report! I will fix that issue as soon as possible.

EDIT: I fixed the Dockerfile. Could you please try building the image using the new Dockerfile?

@CYB3RMX Great work!

I hope this was the easiest issue you have closed! If you ever want some aid in this repo's containerization let me know. Love the project and the great work you are doing here

No problem. You are very welcomed to contribute :)