
upgrade wipes out shortcuts.conf!

Closed this issue · 4 comments

e3rd commented

From the e-mail reports:

What's wrong?
My shortcuts.conf got wiped out....again. I received a notification that some extensions have updates available, so I went to the update page. I clicked on the green icon to update and the pop-up window displayed...but then remembered that the last time I updated, my shortcuts.conf got overwritten (see message from qooob). So I either canceled or just left the pop-up up. I went to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions to backup my shortcuts.conf (which I pretty sure I already did...named it shortcuts.conf.mine) only to see that the entire run-or-raise directory was gone...including my backup.

What have you tried?

Automatically detected errors:

GNOME Shell Extensions did not detect any errors with this extension.

Version information:

Shell version: 3.28.4
Extension version: 4
e3rd commented

Fortunately somebody have send me this issue report so that I know about the problem. I've just checked the extension page and seen people are complaining about this for six months without telling me :(


Thanks e3rd! Re-creating shortcuts.conf can be tedious.

e3rd commented

I've changed the config file location to a one in $HOME/.config.
Unfortunately, I could not find a way to make Gnome do not wipe out the shorcuts.conf while the upgrade to the newest version. So your file has to be wiped out one last time. I've put a big exclamation marks both to the README and to the description on the Gnome extensions page to backup when upgrading. (And I put this notification out when new Ubuntu LTS is out in the end of April.)

Thanks! Thanks for your work on this extension e3rd!