
Combining modifiers does not register

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi there,

just stumbled upon this and it is exactly what I was searching for. However I ran into a problem while trying to configure the extension to meet my needs. I tried to add the followindg:


However all I get when pressing that combo is N.

I am on Gnome 44, system is Fedora Silverblue, Wayland Session, using a bluetooth keyboad.

Did I misunderstand the docs regarding the config or is this a (wayland related) bug?

e3rd commented

Hi, what do you mean by "all I get is N", like big letter N is output on the screen? Does any other shortcut work at the same moment?

@e3rd yes, i just get the letter if a input is present. If no input is present nothing happens. The Super-b default works in the same scenario:

<Super>b,notify-send Hello world

Window activation works when I bind super+anything, just not when I try to combine modifiers

e3rd commented

So if you use this

<Super><Ctrl><Alt>b,notify-send Hello world5
<Super><Alt>b,notify-send Hello world4
<Super><Ctrl>b,notify-send Hello world3
<Super><Shift>b,notify-send Hello world2
<Super>b,notify-send Hello world1
<Super>c,notify-send Hello world0

only Hello world1 and Hello world0 works then?

Is there any difference using the bluetooth and the integrated keyboard?

Is there anything interesting in the /var/log/syslog in the moment you restart the extension (in order new shortcuts to work)?

@e3rd now I feel stupid, sorry for wasting your time, my eyes catched the "no logout required" after the info about reloading the extension and somehow my brain made "this extensions auto reloads the config file" out of it. Thank you for your quick responses. I guess the super+n worked because I restarted for other reasons before testing the extension again.

e3rd commented

:D cool, have a nice day!