
Extension stop working after logout

Closed this issue · 7 comments

After I logout the extension stops working and I need to disable and enable it. Also, I put 'emacs' to a shortcut but it opens the "wrong" emacs, I want to use the "client" one, but I don't know how to specify that.

e3rd commented

What's your system version etc? Did it work in the past or this is a new bug? Is anything interesting in the /var/log/syslog

If the terminal command whereis emacs does not help you, how do you run emacs normally? You may find the launch command somewhere in .local/share/applications.

Have a nice day

It is my first time using the extension 😅 I was using BSPWM and now I'm using Gnome vanilla on a Debian 12 (And I got this open or raise thing on BSPWM).
There is nothing on /var/log/syslog.
The thing is that when I shutdown the PC or logout my shortcuts (like <Super>1 or <Super>4) comes back to the original gnome behavior (Open the files app, or libreoffice). Then if I open the extensions and disable -> enable it works again.
Normally I open emacs on the gnome launcher, in my case I have 2 options:
Emacs (client) -> Opens a client to the daemon emacs that is running
Emacs (GUI) -> Opens emacs without using the daemon
When I open emacs (on the launcher) the extension works great, it raises it when I use the shortcut. But when emacs is not opened and I use the shortcut it opens the Emacs GUI (without daemon) option.
As I said, I'm using a Debian 12 with vanilla gnome, and it is almost a fresh install

e3rd commented

Other shortcuts like <Super>e works well? Is the case for the shortcuts concurrently used for app launching?

Are you able to find the Emacs (client) fille at .local/share/applications ?

I didn't test it yet, but as soon I test I post here the outcome

yeah, the extension just stop working when I logout or reboot my machine, after entering the extensions menu disable and enable it starts to working again

e3rd commented

Yeah but other shortcuts like e works well?

Are you able to find the Emacs (client) fille at .local/share/applications ?

e3rd commented

no reaction, no info, problem might have vanished