Full-Stack Book Collection App

A full-stack application with React frontend to browse, edit, add & delete books in a database. The server is a simple python flask app and it's Dockerized with a PostgreSQL database.


To run the app, you need to have Docker installed and running.

Then just run the start.sh script to start the app.

You need a .env (environment variables file named .env) to run the application:

# Database configuration:
DB_HOST=db  # This must be the same as in `compose.yaml`
DB_PASSWORD=REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_OWN_PASSWORD  # Just put some password, it will be automatically created


This will be generated with the start.sh script for a quick setup. It asks for the .env values and creates/updates the file if it's not already created with the necessary values. Finally it runs docker compose up --build.

The app will be available at http://localhost:3000.

The server will be available at port 5000. You can see some example requests in the Requests.http file. If you can't access localhost:5000 then try (you need to also add /books to the url).

(You can use a Visual Studio Code extension for making the requests directly from the file. See REST Client: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=humao.rest-client).

Running independently

For instructions for the React app - see frontend/README.md.

To run the server app locally you only need python and pip (and of course a database).

The server app can be installed with pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt.

Then you can start the app with python app.py.

It is recommend to use an virtual environment (venv) to run a Python app.

Depending of your operating system, you may need to install some other python packages. See the Dockerfile for reference of a Linux based os.


There's some primitive tests done for the React app, but still work in progress. You can run them with yarn test.

For the server app: work in progress...