Possible to use a rule as a fact in another rule?
robross0606 opened this issue · 1 comments
We're working on better decomposing our facts and rules, and have found that (due to our data model hierarchy), we're having to re-stipulate the same facts in multiple rules. Is it possible to use a rule as a fact in another rule so we can avoid having to copy/paste fact statements into multiple rules which is tedious and error prone?
For example, if Rule 1 states that FieldA must be true, and Rule 2 states that Field A must be true and Field B must be false, is it possible to construct Rule 2 such that Rule 1 must be true and Field B must be false?
I was able to solve this by directly exposing conditions and reusing them across multiple rules so I have a viable workaround for decomposition and reuse if there's no cleaner way with the library to do it.