
is this project still active

chalmets opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi there,

I am currently evaluating this project to potentially use it in one of my solution.
However, before deciding to use this project instead of another one, I would like to know if this project still active ?
I can see the last release is a bit old and date from 2019.

Sorry for opening an issue for this question, but it's the only way I found to reach out to you.

Thank you

@chalmets what did you end up using?

Hey @chalmets , i'm wandering the same. Have you find a good alternative for this lib?

@chalmets interested too to know if you used an alternative...

Would like to hear an answer to this question. In case this project is dead, I might write something similar using Typescript. Would you guys be interested in contributing if I decide to do so?

Looking a lot like its not being maintained... I am looking for an alternative...

decs commented

@vastamaki I started writing a more modern version of it in Typescript. I’m open for contributors and/or suggestions from people interested in trying it out.

decs commented

Following up on my previous comment, ruls is Typescript-first and it's now ready to use (

It's back! Closing this issue as it's still active.