
Vignette option controls both darkness vignette and world border redness

muzikbike opened this issue · 4 comments

Request Description

The "Vignette" option in Video Settings only mentions the darkness screen edges effect, but this option also controls whether a red boundary is shown around the screen when close to the world border.

Either the redness should have a separate toggle, or the description should be changed to indicate that it also controls the world border effect.

2024-05-03_00 08 25
2024-05-03_00 10 04

related: #2415

Truthfully, there is not much reason for the option to even be there, given it's a cosmetic tweak and doesn't affect performance...

Sodium's behavior is the same as in Minecraft Vanilla iirc

Worth noting there's two reports about this already:

The fact that vanilla's option even toggles these directly contradicts a statement by Dinnerbone saying that Fast/Fancy's only difference should be leaves transparency and weather effects.