
Lora finetune on superglue using Opendelta

Primary LanguagePython

Use Examples

This repo mainly contains several running scripts to use OpenDelta to finetune lora to conduct parameter-efficient training of various task.

Thanks for the original code

To run the code

Install Pytorch

pip install torch --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113

Install requriments

pip install -r requriments.txt

Install the repo

python setup_seq2seq.py develop

To test the code

cd examples_seq2seq
python test_seq2seq.py configs/$job_name/$dataset_test.json

For instance, python test_seq2seq.py configs/lora_t5-base_1/superglue-copatest.json

To train the code

python run_seq2seq.py configs/$job_name/$dataset.json

For instance, python run_seq2seq.py configs/lora_t5-base_1/superglue-copa.json