
Mask working on Android but not iOS

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have this bit of code and it is working on Android but not iOS. On iOS, when you type, the value keeps resetting itself as you type. Any thoughts?

<View style={this.styles.container}> <TextInputMask style={{ height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1, color: "#000000" }} type={'custom'} keyboardType="numeric" options={{ mask: '999-99-9999' }} key={this.props.dataAttr.toString()} value={this.props.dataAttr.toString()} onChangeText={this.handleChange} maxLength={this.props.characterLimit > 0 ? this.props.characterLimit : undefined} /> </View>


Please, at least read the documentation before opening a issue... there's no options property.
Also, the snippet you pasted means nothing without knowing the rest of your component.

Feel free to open a new issue if you really have a problem

@imeidopf It's obvious why it's not working, you're not using react-native-mask-input...
This is where you need to go: