
Extending RBAC

rkhe opened this issue · 1 comments

rkhe commented


Is there a way to extend the Simple RBAC plugin?
My scenario is that I need a user to allow multiple roles but not a full admin.

The App has multiple non-related modules. Example: an Article module and a Video Catalog module.
The user can have an 'Author' role so it can Create, Edit, Update, or Delete an Article, however it can also have a 'Visitor' role so that he can access the Video Catalog module as a View Only access.

I wonder if I can extend the existing Simple RBAC plugin to allow multiple (maybe comma delimited) roles.

Any suggestions?


rkhe commented

Got this solved using the allowed special key.

Posting the solution below for others who might need it.

On permissions.php,
[ 'role' => '*', 'prefix' => '*', 'extension' => '*', 'plugin' => '*', 'controller' => 'YourController', 'action' => ['index', 'view'], 'allowed' => function ($user, $role, \Cake\Http\ServerRequest $request) { $array_role = explode(',', $role); foreach ($array_role as $item) { if (in_array($item, ['roleA', 'roleB'])) { return true; } } return false; }, ],

The users.role is comma delimited string. Example: "roleA,roleB".

Closing this ticket.