
RegistryAlias is not the right one

Cyrille37 opened this issue · 4 comments


  • cakedc/users 11.0.0
  • cakephp/cakephp 4.3.5

After login the user entity is of the right type App\Model\Entity\UserOverride which I configured in Config.Users.table but its property _registryAlias is 'Users' where it should be 'UserOverrides'.

Here is a var_export( $user ) extract :

2022-02-23 06:49:16 debug: App\Model\Entity\UserOverride::__set_state(array(
   '_accessible' => 
  array (
    '*' => true,
    'id' => false,
    'is_superuser' => false,
    'role' => false,
    'group_id' => true,
   '_dirty' => 
  array (
    'last_login' => true,
   '_new' => false,
   '_errors' => 
  array (
   '_invalid' => 
  array (
   '_registryAlias' => 'Users',

How are you extending/configuring the UserOverride Entity & the UserOverridesTable please?

Yes :-)

namespace App\Model\Table;
use CakeDC\Users\Model\Table\UsersTable;
 * Application specific Users Table with non plugin conform field(s)
class UserOverridesTable extends UsersTable
     * CakeDc table name.
    const TABLENAME = 'users';
    public function initialize(array $config): void
        $this->setTable( self::TABLENAME );

namespace App\Model\Entity;
use CakeDC\Users\Model\Entity\User;
 * @inheritdoc
 * @property integer $group_id
class UserOverride extends User
    public function __construct(array $properties = [], array $options = [])
        parent::__construct($properties, $options);
        $this->_accessible['group_id'] =  true;

Using $this->setRegistryAlias() or not extending directly the UsersTable, but appending the behaviors you need should do the trick for you...

Thanks @steinkel setRegistryAlias() do the job :-)