
Document creation of visualization plugin with JS

Closed this issue · 1 comments

@thinkh : Do you have thoughts on any of this?

I would like to create a tutorial on how to create a very simple visualization.

  • Is it reasonable to do this in plain JS, or does it really need to be done in Typescript?
  • To start on this, does it make sense to begin with the compiled table renderer, and then strip it down? ie:
  var Table = function (_super) {
        __extends(Table, _super);
        function Table(data, parent) {
  • ... Or is it better to start from scratch? What methods must be implemented?
  • Once it's complete, how to register it? ... so that it's in the list returned by
Caleydo.core.multiform.create(Caleydo.d3.parser.parseMatrix([[1]],[1],[1]), $('body')[0]).visses
  • (I think that's a prerequisite to having it match on 'initialVis'?)
  • Are there other roadblocks to making this work?:
    {initialVis: 'my-new-visualization'}