
Unify dialog interaction by removing the apply and cancel buttons

Opened this issue · 3 comments

At the moment the interaction of the dialogs differ a lot from each other. For instance, the change visualization dialog applies changes immediately, where as the mapping dialog applies a preview immediately, but the user has to choose between cancel, reset and apply. That is confusing and should be unified.

change visualization dialog


I suggest that we remove the apply and cancel button and apply the changes in all dialogs immediately. Only for some complex dialogs (e.g. the mapping dialog a reset button) is helpful to restore the initial state.

some operations are expensive. including filtering and searching. So applying everything immediately when the user enters something can be costly.

but that does not change the fact that it is inconsistent at the moment. for instance, we already apply costly transformations (e.g., invert) immediately (sometimes even although there is a apply button). my feeling is that we should always apply actions immediately - even if it takes some time (it's usually below 1s though).

In addition to @mstreit comment: We can also show a spinner/loading icon while the change is applied.