
caleydo_data_hdf dependency

Closed this issue · 6 comments

why does taco_server needs to have a dependency to caleydo_data_hdf?

but does the source code depend on the other plugin or should it just be linked to it during product composition?

No, we need caleydo_data_hdf for loading the h5 files.

I removed the caleydo_data_hdf directory and restarted the server for testing. The result is that I get an internal server error and the h5 files are not listed.

I think we are talking about different things: From my point of view the taco "product" includes the caleydo_data_hdf plugin to read h5 datasets. However, the taco_server itself doesn't care how the datasets are stored, since it works against the generic dataset api.

Ok. But to work with h5 datasets in TaCo I need the caleydo_data_hdf dependency; also in development and not only as product.

If you want to use hdf files install the phovea_data_hdf separatly running the install commands.