
Axeman is only pulling from one log

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi I have set up Axeman on a Google Compute Engine machine running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS server. When I run the program:
axeman -c 16
The program downloads 32GB of data from and haults.
If I try to download a specific log:
Axeman -c 16 -u ‘‘
The program outputs
[INFO:root] - the current time - Starting...
Although no files are downloaded and the console allows input as if the program didn’t begin properly.

Hey sorry for the delay here, I don't have time to check into this, but if you wanted to submit a PR to remedy that'd be great!

Hey @hailnick, it looks like the format must match the one returned by the CTL list (-l)

> python3 -m axeman.core -l
Found 48 CTLs...
Google 'Argon2019' log
    \- URL:  
    \- Owner:          Google
    \- Cert Count:     854,510,771
    \- Max Block Size: 128

So passing will do the job.

> python3 -m axeman.core -u
[INFO:root] 2019-11-05 21:34:13,495 - Starting...
[INFO:root] 2019-11-05 21:34:13,614 - Downloading certificates for Google 'Argon2019' log