
Consider inspecting headers when HTTP 429 is encountered

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I see that when there is an HTTP level failure for a specific CT server, there is a sleep/retry behavior implemented. Makes sense, clearly you anticipated spurious failures and are handling them:

def http_request_with_retries(full_url, options \\ @default_http_options) do
# Go ask for the first 512 entries"Sending GET request to #{full_url}")
user_agent = {"User-Agent", user_agent()}
case HTTPoison.get(full_url, [user_agent], options) do
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200} = response} ->
|> Jason.decode!
{:ok, response} ->
Logger.error("Unexpected status code #{response.status_code} fetching url #{full_url}! Sleeping for a bit and trying again...")
http_request_with_retries(full_url, options)
{:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} ->
Logger.error("Error: #{inspect reason} while GETing #{full_url}! Sleeping for 10 seconds and trying again...")
http_request_with_retries(full_url, options)

I'm entering this issue because I recently starting seeing 429s somewhat often on Digicert CT servers.

What are your thoughts on extending the logic in the retry to look at rate-limiting headers if present, and if present, use that value instead of the hard-coded sleep value? I haven't confirmed yet if the (soft) failures I see actually include a Retry-After header, but am guessing there's a half-decent chance they do

I know that the current solution keeps things simple while also not losing any data- to handle 429 fully would really just be a courtesy to the CT servers advising the client to slow down. One could also say it would make certstream-server more "correct" too, if you're into that sort of thing ;)


Output from certstream-server with a short flurry of 429s from Digicert

16:47:12.204 [error] Unexpected status code 429 fetching url! Sleeping for a bit and trying again...

16:47:12.207 [error] Unexpected status code 429 fetching url! Sleeping for a bit and trying again...

16:47:12.210 [error] Unexpected status code 429 fetching url! Sleeping for a bit and trying again...

16:47:15.670 [error] Unexpected status code 429 fetching url! Sleeping for a bit and trying again...

16:47:22.315 [error] Unexpected status code 429 fetching url! Sleeping for a bit and trying again...