
[bug] Doesn't work with native linux port? Tropico 5 case

Closed this issue · 15 comments

Mte90 commented

Seems that with steamtinkerlaunch in the process list find Tropico.exe so can scan it without troubles (as launch the game differently compared to the screen above when it's just steam).
Instead launching with steam find just the path and not a process so the scan is not working.

Probably the issue is there as is not using a process the scan don't work. Maybe a check like if that path is a file or a folder can improve the situation. Why it's happening? I have no idea I don't know so much C++ to understand where it is the issue.

Continue from #7

The process list is generated using Python, not C++


Lines 12 to 44 in e38ce4c

async def get_processes(self):
print("Getting processes")
process_list = []
# Get a list of processes using ps for the current user, we need the PID and the untruncated process name.
ps = subprocess.Popen(
["ps", "-u", "1000", "-o", "pid,command"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = subprocess.check_output(
('grep', '-v', 'grep'), stdin=ps.stdout)
# Blacklist some processes
blacklist = ["ps ", "systemd", "reaper ", "pressure-vessel", "proton ", "power-button-handler", "ibus", "xbindkeys", "COMMAND", "wineserver", "system32", "socat", "sd-pam", "gamemoded", "sdgyrodsu", "dbus-daemon", "kwalletd5",
"gamescope-session", "gamescope", "PluginLoader", "pipewire", "Xwayland", "wireplumber", "ibus-daemon", "sshd", "mangoapp", "steamwebhelper", "steam ", "xdg-desktop-portal", "xdg-document-portal", "xdg-permission-store", "bash"]
# Parse output
for line in output.splitlines():
pid, name = line.decode().split(None, 1)
# If the name doesn't contain any string from the blacklist, append it
if not any(x in name for x in blacklist):
process_list.append({"pid": pid, "name": name})
# Remove blacklisted processes#
for process in process_list:
for blacklist_item in blacklist:
# Check if blacklist item is contained in the process name
if blacklist_item in process["name"]:
return process_list

For clarification, you're saying if you launch Tropico 5 through the normal SteamOS launcher, the memory-deck plugin does not scan the process (Tropico5) correctly? (Does it scan the process but won't return results? How does it fail?)

But if you launch Tropico 5 through Steam Tinker Launch, you can use memory-deck to scan the process (Tropico5.exe) and it works as expected? You can find and alter values?

Mte90 commented

Yes exactly

For clarification, you're saying if you launch Tropico 5 through the normal SteamOS launcher, the memory-deck plugin does not scan the process (Tropico5) correctly? (Does it scan the process but won't return results? How does it fail?)

But if you launch Tropico 5 through Steam Tinker Launch, you can use memory-deck to scan the process (Tropico5.exe) and it works as expected? You can find and alter values?

I can do some tests on the desktop mode with steam client to see if there is something that can be helpful.

Please do, the more information the better, since I don't have that game I can't recreate this exact issue.

I'm interested to know how STL launches the game differently...I wonder if it uses some kind of native version of the game or some kind of native Linux sandbox to run the game...

Whereas SteamOS probably uses Proton (which uses Windows emulation under the hood). This would explain why you see the .exe in the process list (.exe files are typically Windows exectuable files).

I would have guessed that the Proton version would behave more nicely with memory-deck, but who knows.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can launch the Konsole application in desktop mode and run the ~/homebrew/plugins/memory-deck/ manually (you will have to "uncomment" code at the bottom of that file) to see if there are any errors. I should really write up some step-by-step instructions on manually running this plugin at somepoint.

Mte90 commented

Searching on terminal with the same command reveals the path. Checking that Tropico is a real Linux program and not something that use proton.
Output of the plugin (maybe with other programs to blacklist) but it's there after selecting no search it is possible.
Also using the different operator, results always 0.

I read online that they crypt maybe values but with something like this I should be able to get something.

I'd be really curious if you ran the game in Desktop Mode through the normal Steam Launcher, and used that file I mentioned in my last comment.

Again, you'd have to open the file in a text editor and remove the # from the following lines:


Lines 130 to 183 in e38ce4c

# async def main():
# # This is only executed when the plugin is run directly
# # Create an instance of the plugin
# plugin = Plugin()
# await plugin._main()
# print(await plugin.get_processes())
# # Read PID from stdin
# print("Enter PID: ")
# pid = int(input('> '))
# await plugin.attach(pid, "Test")
# matches = -1;
# # Until matches is exactly 1, request a new value
# while matches != 1:
# # Get the new value
# newValue = input("> ")
# if newValue == "exit":
# return
# if newValue == "reset":
# plugin.scanmem.reset()
# continue
# if newValue == "list":
# plugin.scanmem.exec_command("list")
# continue
# # If newValue starts with 'pid ' then we need to attach to a new process
# if newValue.startswith("pid "):
# pid = int(newValue.split(" ")[1])
# await plugin.attach(pid)
# continue
# # await plugin.search_regions(ScanMatchType.MATCH_EQUAL_TO, newValue)
# plugin.scanmem.exec_command("= " + newValue)
# matches = await plugin.get_num_matches()
# if matches < 50:
# print(await plugin.get_match_list())
# print("Finished")
# if __name__ == "__main__":

If you can run that while the game is running (python3, provide it the process ID (which you can get from running ps aux | grep -i tropico in Konsole, it'll be the first number in the output from that) and then search for a value and provide that output here or in a pastebin?

We can chat on Discord if you rather find me there.

Mte90 commented

To search with terminal I was in desktop mode but to test memory deck I was in gaming mode.
Maybe memory deck does not work fine with native Linux stuff?

Perhaps? I haven't really checked which games are using Proton vs native linux.

Running that file while in desktop mode is like running a slimmed down version of memory-deck.

Mte90 commented

Right now I am using the SD without a keyboard and manipulate a file with the keyboard on screen is not very comfortable.
Anyway the pid is the right one, I think that I will check if I have some game linux native to see if that idea is real before to do other tests.

kayon commented

Native Linux games don't work, permission denied.
Edit /home/deck/homebrew/plugins/memory-deck/plugin.json add "root" to "flags", then reboot.

"flags": ["debug", "root"],

Mte90 commented

This explains a lot, how did you got the error?

@kayon I am also interested in this - where did you see a permission denied error?

Admittedly I haven't really used the plugin on any linux-native games on my Steam Deck, all the games I've tried are being ran through proton.

kayon commented

@kayon I am also interested in this - where did you see a permission denied error?

Admittedly I haven't really used the plugin on any linux-native games on my Steam Deck, all the games I've tried are being ran through proton.

Run through ssh, Permission denied after search.
In addition, the search for Float and Double will never result, needs to be modified like this. line: 160, in the method: search_regions

                case "c_float":
                    val.flags |= MatchFlag.FLAG_F32B
                    val.float32_value = float(searchValue)
                case "c_double":
                    val.flags |= MatchFlag.FLAG_F64B
                    val.float64_value = float(searchValue)
                case _:
                    print("Invalid value!")
                    return False
        if val.flags & MatchFlag.FLAG_F32B or val.flags & MatchFlag.FLAG_F64B:
            self.scanmem.globals.options.scan_data_type = ScanDataType.ANYFLOAT
            self.scanmem.globals.options.scan_data_type = ScanDataType.ANYINTEGER
Mte90 commented

I don't have anymore tropico installed, someone that can test it?

I tested with hollow knight, dead cells and Slay the Spire native ports, can confirm @kayon solution works

v0.1.8 has been released to the test Decky store, should hit the production store soon. it should resolve this issue.