
Extra fields in response when getting access token causing crash

marthinsen opened this issue · 2 comments

The OAuth provider i'm using is adding extra fields to to the response when getting the access token, namely remember and issues_at, I guess they are non-standard.

  'access_token': '...'
  'remember': False
  'refresh_token': '...'
  'scope': 'openid profile'
  'id_token': '...'
  'token_type': 'Bearer'
  'expires_in': 3600
  'issued_at': 1680725436

I have "solved it" locally by adding **kwargs as the last argument of the __init__ function of the PkceToken class...

Hey @marthinsen, thanks for the bug report! I have just fixed this and released 0.0.3:

I'll leave this open so you can confirm if it's working for you.

It works like a charm. Thanks for the quick response!