
Crossterm is at version 0.25.0 now

generic-user1 opened this issue · 4 comments

Crossterm integration fails when using the latest version of crossterm (0.25.0 at time of writing).
I'm hoping this is a simple Cargo.toml change... if not, maybe I can open a PR.

Canop commented

What kind of failure do you have ? Can you give me a reproduction case to help clarify the problem ?

The failure is triggered by attempting to cast a coolor::Color into a crossterm::style::Color with the Into trait.

When using crossterm version 0.23.1, the project will compile and function as intended.

When using crossterm version 0.25.0, the project will not compile. The error message reads:

error[E0277]: the trait bound `crossterm::style::Color: From<coolor::Color>` is not satisfied
 --> nonworking\src\
7 |     let crossterm_color: crossterm::style::Color = coolor_color.into();
  |                                                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ---- required by a bound introduced by this call
  |                                                    |
  |                                                    the trait `From<coolor::Color>` is not implemented for `crossterm::style::Color`
  = help: the trait `From<(u8, u8, u8)>` is implemented for `crossterm::style::Color`
  = note: required for `coolor::Color` to implement `Into<crossterm::style::Color>`

I've created a repo that demonstrates this if you'd like to see for yourself:

Canop commented

I published coolor 0.5.1.
Can you confirm it's OK for you ?

Yes, this solves this issue on my end. Thanks!