
[Feature Request] - Add option to display song file type & bitrate

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Add an option in the settings to display file type and bitrate of all songs.


When the 'display bitrate' and/or 'display file type' option is enabled, the extra details of the song should be visible with the other details such as artist name and total song time.

Use Case

Navidrome servers (specifically) allow for duplicate albums and songs. Bitrate is one factor that allows a user to tell 2 duplicates apart and can help the user organize their library.

Additional context

Here's a mock up for a single song from an album view:

The Ultrasonic android app has this feature implemented and looks like this:
(Currently playing view):
(Album view):

I don't particularly like the idea of having other information as the subtitle of the audio element, but I implemented it by making visibility optional. The next time release will contain this new option.


Great news! Thank you for taking the time to add this minor feature. I'll definitely make the switch now.