
[BUG] - Loop state occasionally not remembered on long inactivity

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Describe the bug

If I start a playlist and set the playback mode to "Loop All" usually I can close the app and come back later without losing the setting. However if I leave the app inactive for a long time occasionally I open it again and while the queue is still preserved the "Loop All" option is forgotten and the playback mode defaults to "No Looping". I could reproduce the effect by clearing the App cache, I suspect the setting is never written to permanent storage (like the queue seemingly is) and therefore lost when Android clears memory for other applications.

Expected behavior

The playback mode should always be remembered, even after extended app inactivity

To Reproduce

  1. Start a playlist
  2. Set the playback to "Loop All" or "Loop Single"
  3. Clear App Cache
  4. Open the App Again
  5. Play Queue is loaded correctly
  6. Playback Mode Defaults to "No Looping"


  • Android device: Samsung Galaxy S22+
  • Android OS version: Android 14
  • App version: 3.6.0
  • Other relevant details: None

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