
[Feature Request] - Custom certificates in server configuration

Opened this issue · 1 comments

First of all, sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker and I rely on the translator. I also congratulate you for the creation of the application, so much love and effort behind it.


Option to add custom certificates in the server configuration.


Within the configuration to add a server, an option which allows you to add a PEM authentication certificate.

Use Case

Avoiding the pain of dealing with certificates on Android.

Being honest, I'm not an expert on the subject, but I've found it problematic to deal with Cloudflare's "mTLS" certificates, due to the fact that it only works for me in the browser (halfway) but not in apps. I also tried installing the certificates on the system (with root access) but that didn't work either.

Additional context

I use the Tremotesf application as an example.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-26 at 10 27 06 AM

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-26 at 10 27 07 AM

Hi !

Just chiming in, maybe this could be helpful. I have no idea If the author is going to implement certificate pinning, but I have tempo working with my own self-signed certificate without any issues.

Something I had issues for my certificates with Android was the missing basic constraints in the X509v3 extensions.

After adding the correct extension and the right format it worked without any issue with all android application.

Check this stackexchange reponse, maybe this could lead you to the right direction.