
Negative effects on low satisfaction

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Feature description
We want to further incentivise players to avoid letting any adventurer class's satisfaction drop too low by providing unique penalties.

Acceptance criteria/subtasks

  • Event starts when satisfaction drops below -10, and stays active until satisfaction gets back to 0

  • Update badges to be extra angry while event takes place (

  • Newspaper event for when event starts and ends

  • Brawler: Riots, extra threat

  • Outrider: Thieves guild established, negative spending

  • Performer: Bad rumours, overrides random spawn chance into negatives

  • Diviner: Holy war, they start killing off other diviners

  • Arcanist: Magic surge, a random building is destroyed every turn

  • Idea: Achievement for having every negative event on at once for 5 turns

This issue is being closed as it has been deemed out-of-scope.