Python Flask Nginx Reverse Proxy Setup

Basic Python Flask app in Docker which prints the hostname and IP of the container

Build application

Build the Docker image manually by cloning the Git repo.

$ git clone
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Run the container individually(without rev-proxy)

Create a container from the image.

$ cd <Path/to/file>
$ docker build -t container1
$ docker run -d -p 5000:5000 container1

Now visit http://localhost:5000

Add your own project to the path

Add your Project to a folder with its dockerfile

> Edit the nging.conf file add your needed path to it  ie 
            location /<ANY_NAME> {
            proxy_pass http://app1:<PORT_YOUR_APP_RUNS_ON>/;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
> Save and add the app to the docker-copose file

How to Run as A Kuberneties Microservice

git clone the repo of choice into the server install the tool kompose(used to change docker-compose.yaml files to kuberneties yaml files) run the command kompose convert -f docekr-compose.yml -o .yaml a .yaml should be created use a text editor and add the following line above the -port: option of the microservice you want to expose : type: LoadBalancer ie: if i want to expose my nginx service

    name: nginx
    - name: "8000"
      port: 8000
      targetPort: 80

changed to

    name: nginx
    type: LoadBalancer
    - name: "8000"
      port: 8000
      targetPort: 80

save the changes run kubectl apply -f <file_name>.yaml if everything is successful the pods will get created check using command kubectl get po and find the exposed ip via kubectl get svc