
ResourceTypes and Realm Assignment Tabs are empty - Remote SCIM Provider Configuration

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Hi @Captain-P-Goldfish ,

We have a Local Keycloak running and We have the SCIM-SDK Spring Boot Samples that were available from your repository as well running. We are working on the Usecase of Pushing the User/Group from Keycloak to Spring boot.

We have done the Remote SCIM Provider Configuration in the Keycloak. After saving the Configuration and clicking on the Load Provider Configuration, We got all the tabs. However the Resource Types Tab and Realm Assignment Tabs are empty.

The Schema tab is coming up with the data.

Any pointers on how to get the data in the Resource Types Tab and Realm Assignment Tabs, so that we can complete the Sync Configuration.

Thanks in advance for your support.


Hi this is a known problem. Currently only fixed in version "kc-23-2.0.1-SNAPSHOT". Could you try this version if it works for you?

Thanks @Captain-P-Goldfish for the clarification. Can you let me know where to get this snapshot version of Keycloak? In the releases section, i only find 23.0.X and not 23.2

I have temporarily removed the SNAPSHOT version due to a serious bug. I will fix this bug and add the artifact again.

okay, fixed the bug and and added the SNAPSHOT release again, now under version "kc-23-2.1.0-SNAPSHOT"

Thanks @Captain-P-Goldfish with the new jar, we are able to view the Resource Type Tab with the Data. However the Realm Assignment Tab is still showing empty. Any other configuration that we could be missing?

Hi this should be an authorization issue.
I would expect that the user you are using also does not see any realms in the "Realm Management" configuration, correct?
This is because a user can assign a SCIM client configuration only to a realm to which the user has SCIM configuration access. In other words: if the user has no scim-admin-role to a specific realm the user will not be able to assign the configuration to a specific realm.

Thanks @Captain-P-Goldfish IT is working. After setting the roles properly, we are able to view the tabs.

Thanks for the support