
Connect-Wallet Shortcode

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi Pete,

working on a small side-project here: (later:

I think this plugin needs shortcodes.
For example to place the connect-wallet-link in the header:

It's out of scope for this github-issue, but I'd suggest finding a way to make the individual pages more modular (e.g. via shortcode). That way you immediately have full Elementor Support / Page Builder Support. Then people could build their own dashboards views.

Ideally for me would be something like this:

Oh and great work and idea with the plugin. Happy to support this

There is already a working implementation of shortcode for templates I made

Try this for the connect button [cardanopress_template name="part/modal-trigger"]

@NilsDannemann I have to do all the documentation that lists all the shortcodes and parts.