
kupo V2.0.0 api queries faster than V2.4.0

cybershaman73 opened this issue · 1 comments

What Git revision / release tag are you using?


Describe what the problem is?

Local socket api queries to V2.4.0 are slower than V2.0.0 with the same configuration.
Example config:
--node-socket ${socket}
--node-config ${config}
--log-level ${loglevel}
--since ${since}
--match ${match}
--workdir ${workdir}

What should be the expected behavior?

Expected behavior is no change in speed or faster.

Closing this ticket for the following reasons:

  • Unable to reproduce neither from v2.4.0 or v2.5.0, despite multiple benchmarks rounds on different machines.
  • Lack of data points to actually evaluate this scenario
  • More logs have been added (between v2.5.0 and in the upcoming v2.6.0) which should help troubleshoot similar cases in the future.