
Mailto Link Problem

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Bug / The following mailto Link does not fire an event:

<a href="mailto:?subject=Lesetipp 'UDG-United Digital Group ist die neue Agenturgruppe für digitales Marktmanagement und Kommunikation.'&body=Hallo,%0d%0a%0d%0aich habe auf einen interessanten Artikel gefunden:%0d%0a">

I suppose this is because there is no "@" in it.

It works for me but the event fired is very weird.

["_trackEvent", "Mailto", "?subject=Lesetipp%20'UDG-United%20Digital%20Group%20ist%20die%20neue%20Agenturgruppe%20f%C3%BCr%20digitales%20Marktmanagement%20und%20Kommunikation.'&body=Hallo,%0d%0a%0d%0aich%20habe%20auf%20"]

How would you expect the Event to look like?