
Outbound Link tracking between Subdomains

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Feature / I've seen that an event is fired, when you switch between subdomains. Some clients use internal links with and without www., so every time you switch between "subdomains", an events gets fired. i know this is maybe a rare ocassion but i think it might help if you could control outbound tracking between subdomains, especially on large accounts where you are about to reach hit limits.

Maybe you could do something like this:
_gas.push(['_trackOutboundLinks',{subdomains: '.*']); //fires event for all subdomains
_gas.push(['_trackOutboundLinks',{subdomains: 'www,root,']); //fires event for root and www.

Or like this:
_gas.push(['_trackOutboundLinks',true]); //fires event for all subdomains

_gas.push(['_trackOutboundLinks',false]); //does not fire events between subdomains

I personally like the subdomains to be included. I don't see the point in excluding them. You can just ignore those events if you want on the reports.

But I got enough people complaining about this. I'll look into adding an option to enable/disable subdomain tracking.