
Not opening?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Dunno what else I should do, I installed the cuda requirements and added the pretrained folder to the GUI folder. If I run GuiMain - nothing happens, the CMD box flashes for a quick second and that's it

I have python 3.9.6 and regular Demucs via cmd runs just fine

Thanks for your issue.
I guess what happened was that you double-clicked it in the file explorer. If this, probably the content on the window is Can't find a default Python.
Please try this:
If you run demucs by running python -m demucs xxx, then please right-click in the GUI folder, choose open in PowerShell or Open in Windows Terminal, then activate your environment and run python

Dunno what else I should do, I installed the cuda requirements and added the pretrained folder to the GUI folder. If I run GuiMain - nothing happens, the CMD box flashes for a quick second and that's it

By the way, did you follow the instructions on PyTorch official website to install torch and cuda?

Turns out the issue was that I had one missing module - psutil (I think), it now opens

One thing is - I can't find how do I change the models, I couldn't find the same model files in the original demucs folder, as I want to use mdx_extra, not the quantized version

Sorry I forgot to add psutil to requirements_cuda.txt, and now I added it.

To change models, please empty the entry of Model path, and then input the model you want to use into Model name, like this:

Ah, I see now

One last question - what does "Split" do? I haven't seen that command before

Since the models will require large amount of memory, so the tracks would be splited into shorter chunks to sav memory. split controls how long the trunks will be.

Thanks again for explaining, everything works great so far!

I'd be up for designing a UI, but I don't know s#it about coding :D