
Simple Rails App to add Licenses to your projects.

Primary LanguageRuby


Simple Rails App to add Licenses to your projects.


Manage licenses:

  1. Access to Database with rails console
  2. Retrieve all products: Product.all
  3. Retrieve all licenses: License.all
  4. Look for a license: License.where(key: "KEY")
  5. Update a license
  • Get the license_id looking for your license
  • l = License.find(license_id)
  • l.quantity = 6 (example)
  • l.save
  1. Retrieve activations: Activation.where(license_id: license_id)
  2. Count activations: Activation.where(license_id: license_id).count
  3. Create a product or license: Product.create / License.create / l = License.new and l.save https://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_record_basics.html#create