Joel Peltonen: For your final project!

Right now I am expecting you to: Form groups Discuss your idea in your group Define and refine the idea write single sentence description write a more detailed description define MVP (what minimum features you need) spend time here, be very specific free form, you can make a though bubble or bullet points or such define tech stack (which technologies to use) define roles for group members Project Manager; overall responsibility for the successful implementation of Agile methodology (Standups Meeting-Retrospectives-etc) Repository Maintainer; responsible for enforcing process in the GitHub project repository Lead Frontend developer Lead Backend developer

Week Topic Content
Week 1 "Ideation week" Stack and MVP definition, individual pitch
Week 2 "Design" Mockup and User Stories
Week 3 "Development" Bootstrap project
Week 4 "Implementation" Core features development
Week 5 "Review" Feature freeze
Week 6 "Finalize" Documentation and Deployment
Week 7 "Present" Prepare presentation

Short exec summary to discuss our project idea


SaaS solution to create and to customize e-learning platforms for universities, high schools, schools and enterprises; Scalable low code solution

First project: E-Learning Platform for Students and Alumni of DCI Digital Career Institute

Hashtag #DesignNewThinking


Hybrid learning is one of the main trends in the digitization for each, younger students and working adults. Our low code SaaS solution enables drivers of universities, high schools, schools and even every kind of enterprise or even non-government organizations to setup, design and manage individual platforms for e-learning.


The very first try is created by the 'Digital Evangelists' Ferdinand Mbucha, Lead Backend Developer Karin Yahud, Lead Frontend Developer Carsten Hennig, Digital Strategist


We create a very first 'beta' e-learning platform for students and alumni of DCI, while structuring and preparing all frontend and backend elements for a low code SaaS solution.

Business case

The core platform for DCI will be created and curated by the 'Digital Evangelists' team for free. It's an open platform, means: We provide API and support for new developed solutions.

The business model is focussed on - open low code solution for basic monthly fees - enhance new functions and business cases with new developed solutions and app connected via two-way real-time API - web project development for individual solutions and specialized business apps for custom fees

Discussion / Design Thinking

Meta Platform ‚How to learn‘ Create and mix your individual learning modules:

  • Blog publishing (text module)
  • Video tutorials (video module, video playlist)
  • Explaining podcasts (audio module)
  • Peer-to-peer learning (chat module)
  • Tutorials for creating e-learning content (how to guidelines for texts, videos, podcasts, didactics, principles of user-generated content)

Open Source Solution with beta version (including basic modules) -> DCI community is invited to develop new modules, improve modules, create specific business apps and using the solution for a topic-focussed e-learning platform (i.e. SEO Basics, React Development tbc)

First steps of project management following design thinking process:

  • Defining target groups
  • Designing market research (web crawl) AND survey
  • Defining unique selling propositions (USP) and main purpose for our target groups

To do:

  • Create presentation of project idea
  • Create very first raw UI