
Proposal: new /sources folder

Closed this issue · 7 comments

To allow user to define sources easily, the Front-PS team proposes to create a new /sources folders where the definition of the sources are setted. This new folder will be encountered inside a new /data folder that will also contains the /models. The data folder and its structure is aimed to split the front / back parts of the application.

└── data
    ├── models
    └── sources

What's inside sources folder?

Inside the sources folder, you can find multiple JS files named with the following structure: somethingSource.js. Each file contains one source definition beside the definition of its related widgets. It's more easy to dive inside with an example:

This is the KpiSource.js:

// Firstly, we define the ID of the source
export const KPI_SOURCE_ID = 'kpiSource'

// Use constants for query columns aliases to
// avoid problem with future changes.
export const KPI_SOURCE_COLUMNS = {
  NAME: 'name',
  REVENUE: 'revenue'

// Define the source structure that will be passed to `addSource` reducer
// Remember: it's important to use aliases with the constants defined above.
export const kpiSource = {
  data: `
    SUM(stores.revenue) as ${KPI_SOURCE_COLUMNS.REVENUE},
  FROM ne_50m_admin_1_states as states
  JOIN retail_stores as stores ON ST_Intersects(states.the_geom_webmercator, stores.the_geom_webmercator)
  GROUP BY, states.the_geom_webmercator

// After the definition of the source, define the widgets properties
// needed to make them work. In this case, we have two widgets:
export const KPI_SOURCE_WIDGETS = {
    operation: AggregationTypes.SUM
    operationColumn: KPI_SOURCE_COLUMNS.REVENUE,
    operation: AggregationTypes.SUM

Hi @Clebal!

I like the idea of a /data/sources. Just to have a clear idea of the other folder what contents do you propose for /data/models? can you put also an example?

Regarding to source file contents:

  • 👍🏻 like having the ID, the SOURCE_COLUMNS and the SOURCE itself
  • ❓ I have doubts about including the WIDGETS inside: if the idea is to split backend from front, shouldn't those widget properties be outside, as they are more related to the visual/frontend part? what do you think?

I'm following this same structure in the site planning product project and in there, data/sources contains functions that return strings (sql strings for sources) while data/models contains functions that call the SQL API directly with executeQuery and return or process those results

@VictorVelarde , KPI_SOURCE_WIDGETS is the interface for the frontend, we don't want to know the column name and the operation about that column. We prefer a key and backend includes the operation and name column like they want

Ok, if it works for you and it fits the workflow, I'm ok with the SOURCE_WIDGETS side.

@albertoarana do you aggree on keeping the division between data/sources (declarative, for layers & widgets), from data/models (for custom queries against any api?)

I agree, maybe that X_WIDGETS won't be the best suffix. I would try with other name.

Any suggestion?

We will go to remove _WIDGETS from source finally

Already done