Cartus's Followers
- AgainstEntropyNew York University
- bomb622
- Connor9994
- hanxuhu
- HarryHe11The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- HSLiu-InitialNational University of Singapore
- hypervanseHypervanse
- isyufengUK
- jshuadvd
- krzz2q
- licaoyuan123Sydney
- liyucheng09
- LLL1111111Cambridge, UK
- louieunnieSeoul
- maharajbrahma@D-OMA @bodonlp
- MarvielRegScale
- mustafacagriPitcherAG
- muzinian
- orossant
- pillowsofwindTsinghua University
- QiushiSunThe University of Hong Kong
- rayleizhuHong Kong
- RomanHaukssonPortland, Oregon
- rookie-joeThe University of Hong Kong (HKU)
- ruixing76University of Melbourne
- siruzhongThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
- SkySkyFu
- standardgalacticXanadu
- we1l1n
- williamLyh
- XiangqianMaByteDance
- yangzhch6Sun Yat-sen University
- yix8UCL
- youlewang
- zwhe99Shanghai Jiao Tong University