
missing instructions for putting data into hdfs?

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As pointed out on this groups thread, the tutorial is missing the steps to put the sample data into hdfs before running the examples.

For instance, to get part 1 to work, I needed to:

vagrant@master:~$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /user/vagrant/Impatient-Cascalog/part1/data
vagrant@master:~$ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal data/rain.txt /user/vagrant/Impatient-Cascalog/part1/data/rain.txt

Before I could successfully:

vagrant@master:~$ hadoop jar ./target/impatient.jar Impatient-Cascalog/part1/data/rain.txt Impatient-Cascalog/part1/output/rain

Or does this have something to do with how one initially sets up hadoop? I used this vagrant cascading cluster repo to get up and running.