Is it possible to ignore accents when querying, but use them for ranking?
goulvench opened this issue · 2 comments
goulvench commented
Hello, and thanks for this gem, which works great and has both a great API and clear documentation.
Here is a simplified version of the code I'm using to demonstrate what I'm facing:
class User < ApplicationRecord
include PgSearch::Model
pg_search_scope :search, against: :name, ignoring: :accents
User.upsert_all([{name: 'Elodie', name: 'Élodie'}])'Élodie').collect(&:name)
=> ['Elodie', 'Élodie'] # results are ranked by id ascending by default, though the second is a better match
How can I boost ranking for results where the search query matches the records without ignoring accents? Is that possible or should I sort
the result set manually?
nertzy commented
That's an interesting use case that makes sense. I am pretty sure it's not yet supported.
idrista commented
Did you find a solution, I'm in the same situation?