Multi-language indexing with searchable column and indexes for same Model
alex223125 opened this issue · 0 comments
alex223125 commented
I'm using pg_search in my project and have 'searchable' column:
class AddSearchableColumnToEntities < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.0]
def up
execute <<-SQL
ALTER TABLE entities
ADD COLUMN searchable tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS (
setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(title, '')), 'A') ||
setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(source_page_description,'')), 'B')
def down
remove_column :entities, :searchable
Is it possible to create indexes if I'm expecting title
and source_page_description
being written in other languages, not only in English?
I also have search scope like this:
include PgSearch::Model
pg_search_scope :english_global_search,
against: {
title: 'A',
source_page_description: 'B'
using: {
tsearch: {
dictionary: 'english',
tsvector_column: 'searchable',
any_word: true,
prefix: true
I was looking for examples how I can achieve it with pg_search, but only found how to do it with English language.
Is it supported to have multi-language indexes on same model?
Many thanks!