
line 69 error

rejeena opened this issue · 1 comments

  • I made the path for the same name with the code and downloaded instance_train2014.json already.

  • and run
    "python --anno_file /startdt_data/COCO/dataset/annotations/instances_train2014.json \ --type instance \ --output_dir /startdt_data/COCO/dataset/instance_train_annotation"

  • But I got the following error messages.

    File "", line 69
    print "Formating instance xml file {} done!".format(name)
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

How to fix it?
Thank you for uploading "convert dataset to VOC annotation format"

this is python version 3 print issue
just fix it print ("Formating instance xml file {} done!".format(name))